Author: 一位神秘的 ZDSoft 老前辈

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  1. Print Schema
  2. PrintCapabilities Schema and Document Construction
  3. PrintTicket Schema and Document Construction
  4. Print Schema Specification Download: XPS format file


  1. Windows Driver Kit (WDK)
  2. Print Devices

Overview of the PrintCapabilities:

This topic is not current. For the most current information, see the Print Schema Specification.

The PrintCapabilities describe the configurations or states available on a device. A device that is described by PrintCapabilities can often be placed in a number of different configurations. In the case of a printing device, typical printing attributes include duplex printing, resolution, and media size. If the device supports these attributes, they are part of the configuration for that device. The user selects a particular configuration by assigning a specific value to each of the available attributes; for example, Duplex: OneSided, Resolution: 600 dpi, and MediaSize: Legal.

The PrintCapabilities are built on the Print Schema Framework, which defines the elements that can be used in the PrintCapabilities. The Print Schema Keywords define commonly-used element hierarchies, or keywords, for the purpose of promoting portability of the information and intent between individual clients. However, the Print Schema Keywords also allow private extensions so that PrintCapabilities can be tailored to meet specific needs.

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Purpose of the PrintTicket:

This topic is not current. For the most current information, see the Print Schema Specification.

The primary purpose of the PrintTicket is to express device configurations. In contrast to the PrintCapabilities document, which defines all possible configurations the device can assume (the device's configuration space), the PrintTicket's purpose is to define a single specific configuration that is applied to the job object (in this case the page) that is being processed. To promote portability and consistency of configurations, the specific keywords and hierarchy presented in the Print Schema Keywords section are used by both the PrintCapabilities and the PrintTicket technologies. In addition, the Print Schema Framework defines the basic constructs of both technologies, to promote unambiguous, open, and extensible communication of job formatting and PrintCapabilities.

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In general, PrintCapabilities documents provide the possible settings for the device configuration to the print subsystem and applications, while a PrintTicket contains the selected settings for the print job prepared for a specific device configuration to the print subsystem and to that device.


The PrintCapabilities document describes all of the capabilities of a particular device configuration that are useful for preparing a print job and the possible settings for each capability, including the unavailability status of certain capabilities. The PrintCapabilities document MUST completely describe all available and unavailable capabilities of the device configuration, as well as the full list of possible settings for each capability.


The PrintTicket document describes the selected settings for each device capability, as well as provides specific information related to a single print job. A device-specific PrintTicket document SHOULD contain only settings enumerated by the PrintCapabilities document for that device configuration, which MAY include private keywords.


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