View Level.5 in App store.


Level.5 is a network proxy client that designed for protecting your Internet traffic against network-attack (DNS hijacking, leak, sniffing, inspection, spoofing...). And, it may require you some professional knowledge to use.


  1. Self-defined network protocol
  2. Self-implementation TCP/IPv4 stack
  3. Customizable port number
  4. Customizable DNS servers (GoogleDNS is the the default DNS Server)
  5. Connecting to server automatically when iOS device wakes up

To use Level.5, you should install Node.js v4+ and LightSword on your server.

Installing LightSword:

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install curl -y

sudo curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm install lightsword -g

OK, let's run LightSword:

lsserver --port 8081 --password mylevel5 --fork --cluster

Now, run Level.5 on your Mac, then tap 'Add Server...', fill in your server's information: label (eg. My Tunnel), address (IPv4, IPv6 or domain name), port number (8081), password (mylevel5), and save it.

Finally, click 'Connect' button, Level.5 is going to protect your network traffic.

NOTE: If your Mac can't load VPN plugin, please run this command in Terminal: pluginkit -a /Applications/


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